Spur or de-spur? That is the question.

Linn Bee

8 Years
Oct 30, 2011
South-est, central-est WI
Just read the thread on a rooster, Smokey, who killed a hawk. That led me to question whether it is a good idea or not to remove the rooster's spurs.

My Monte has been a perfect gentleman around the grandkids and me, so I have no reason to fear his spurs, but I've read how to de-spur a roo and wonder if it is something routine that is done.

Pros and cons anyone?
IMO if they free range his spurs are the only protection he has,on the other hand if a rooster is penned up and becomes aggresive towards people I don't think it hurts anything to take the sharp points off
I see no reason to de-spur. Especially since you're roo is a gentleman around the kids
My roo has 3" spurs. He only uses them if my dachshund gets too curious about the hens. Even then he just gives him a warning to make him back off.
I don't see the point in removing spurs, unless they're somehow damaging the hens during mating. If a roo is aggressive to me, I'm not going to cut off his spurs and keep him. I'm gonna kick his butt and give him one more chance. If he's still going after me or mine, off with his head.

A rooster needs his spurs for protection. If he's aggressive I just don't give him a chance though, as it is genetic. I'm not going to endure aggressive birds. If I had a family/kids and they didn't know how to handle a rooster and consider its spurs, well, that wouldn't be the roosters' fault.
I don't de spur. If a rooster is going after us, I de head him.

Otherwise, my ol gentleman of a roo uses his (into the back of a possum) or breaks them if they get too long. Sometimes it is necessary if it is impeding walking/damaging hens, but other than that... not necessary.

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