Spurs possible


Mar 8, 2023
South Carolina
I was wondering if it is possible to the spurs breaking through at 7 week old New Hampshire breed? I think I have seen them on the Silver Laced Wyondotte too.
I have seen on 2 off the baby chickens like a nail tip on the legs. We are not 100% sure about the breed and their gender.
Here are the pictures of the 3 ones in question. All 3 are a different breed. First picture is from what we think a silver laced Wyondotte, second picture from a New Hampshire and last one is what we think the Hatchery easter egger breed. All 3 are 7 weeks old and also have very big legs (compared to the hens of that hatch).


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I cou
Even with males the spurs don't start really growing until they are older.
If you suspect males, at 7 weeks the combs and wattles should tell the tale....
...except maybe on the SLW, they can be hard to sex this young.
I couldn’t tell my RIR was male until he was 5 months old. Lol you’re an expert I see.

About the spurs, I wouldn’t worry about it, they don’t really grow out until the guys are a few months old, and in no way a problem.

If they have huge feet, I would say they’re boys. The spurs also seem like an indicator. If I wasn’t told when my cock, Sexless, was younger, that feet didn’t really mean anything bc there are hens with big feet, I could have gendered him WAY earlier. (Not that I’m complaining, but he could have had a better name).
Thank you for the feedbacks. We are not worried about the spurs but will have to re-home the roosters. We will keep an eye on it. The ones in questions are the ones hard to sex (SLW, New Hampshire and Hatchery Egger) and also fast maturing.

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