SQ Egg Swap

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okay not sure why no one is taking these egg's

new offer 12 Barred Rock egg's and I will throw in a few surprise.

or I can do a 10.00 pay pal just to get the thread moving not sure if that's allowed but I am sure you guys can let me know.

I just think everybody has full incubators. I think all the swaps have slowed a little. You have great offers so I am sure someone will take them soon.
mine on the barred rock,
offer one dozen barred holland. I'll try to get a pic up.
okay not sure why no one is taking these egg's

new offer 12 Barred Rock egg's and I will throw in a few surprise.

or I can do a 10.00 pay pal just to get the thread moving not sure if that's allowed but I am sure you guys can let me know.


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You should just take the Barred Hollands. Then you can help preserve one of the most endangered breeds of chicken!
That would be awesome, but I would need another pen which I don't have :( All I have is Black Silkies, Lavender/split showgirls/silkies, and Barred Rocks. I do have one bantam coop I can open up but I have Bantam BLRWs in the bator now :) I am sure someone will snatch them up!
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