Square feet per chicken


In the Brooder
May 20, 2017
Murfreesboro, TN
When building a chicken coop with a run attached, does the chicken coop itself have to be 3 sq feet per chicken or can the coop and the run be three sq feet per chicken combined and then some?
3-4 sq ft in the coop plus 10 sq ft, per bird in the run. Minimum. Coop can be a little smaller if the run is extra big or they get to free range or pasture.
Make both the coop and run as large as you can but no smaller then 4 square foot in the coop and no smaller then 10 square foot in the run.

We see posts very often wondering why the chickens are beating each other up. Most of the time it is because they are crowded.

Imagine having an annoying sibling constantly in your space. Yup the chickens WILL reach out and smack each other for being to close.

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