Squashed Hen in Nest Box


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
A couple of days ago I had a broody Maran that was dead in her nest box. Her head was tucked in but there was no visible injuries at all. My husband noticed that she appeared a little "flat". I realized that even though she was a large hen, she must have been squashed by other hens trying to use the same nest box. It had been unusually cool during those days, so I know it wasn't heat.

I have seven nest boxes. The boxes are all the same size and shape (about 16x12), but as you all know, when they have a favorite box, it doesn't matter how many are open, the have to have THAT one.

Has anyone else had a squashed hen....especially one that is over two years old?
Not to that extent, but sorry it happened to your hen, I have 10 nest boxes for my hens and they all wait in line to use 1 and sometimes 2. crazy girls.
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I'm not sure how flat "flat" is, but depending how long she was dead, bodies can take on quite a different shape than when they were alive... my girls kept cramming in the box with my broody until I separated her, but she'd let out a scream and fight back if things got critical... I'm so sorry you lost a hen!
I had that happen with my RIR's pushing my banty hens out of their broody nests and stomping on the baby chicks. From that day on I would tap the eggs every day. Once I heard a peep I would take it inside and put in the 'bator to hatch and brood. I don't know why they do that. If my banty hens insist on staying on their eggs the stupid RIR;s will lay right on top of them. They have a whole freaking barn with dark corners all over the place but they gotta do that ???

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