Squeaking duck


8 Years
Apr 26, 2016
Kansas City, Kansas
MY duck started a high pitched squeak after she had some issues with opening her mouth and sort of coughing 3 days ago and I brought her in and watched her and the open mouth breathing went away but now she has this high pitched squeak for the past few days. Should I try to buy some antibiotics? If so, what kind and how much? She has a normal appetite but has not been getting in her pool very much. She is a only duck that I keep inside at night. She lost her brother and mother almost a year ago so she has not been around other ducks
Sorry for your loss, poor little thing sounds lonely. :( @Isaac 0 would be better to assist you with her condition and if antibiotics are needed? Might you be able to post a video of her and the noise she is making?
Generally, with adult birds anytime there is a change in their voice, it's due to inhalation of foreign matter, like feed dust, seeds, etc. It can also be caused by trauma to the area, resulting in a tracheal collapse, bacterial, parasitic, fungal, and viral infections. Since you noted coughing a few days prior to the squeaking, that may be indicative that there was indeed some sort of object, or dust that got down into his trachea, that he was attempting to exhale out. Loud squeaks can be heard with foreign matter inhalation and the frequency also seems to increase during feeding. Picking the bird up may cause increased labored breathing.

In my experience, these cases tend to resolve on their own. Sadly, there is not much you can do with the supplies you have at home if it does persist, for that you would need to speak with an avian vet. For now, avoid feeding the duck any powdery feeds, or anything he could inhale easily.
Since she might have congestion, should I get antibiotics and if so what kind for a duck?

There should be a clear distinction if there is a buildup of mucous in her mouth, or not. If you don't hear any gurgling, and she's not open mouth breathing I would personally wait before starting her on antibiotics, as that can create an even more prone environment to bacteria, fungi, and yeast. If you do indeed hear, gurgling, coughing, and labored breathing she may have developed pneumonia secondary to the inhalation of the foreign matter.

For that, you could use doxycycline, enrofloxacin, or amoxicillin.

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