Squeaky chicken


9 Years
Aug 22, 2013
Help needed-
What would make a chicken suddenly squeaky? She also is frequently opening and closing her beak, then will poke at her underbelly
Is she gasping for breath? Are you able to upload the vid to YouTube and post is here?
No not really. She was squeaky/barking this am when i came to feed her. She's been quiet since but is acting normally for her. Still doing the frequent opening and closing of her beak. I videoed it and uploaded it to YouTube but can't figure out how to attach here.
This is the address:
Does it sound like this?
Stridor is from a partial obstruction to the airway. Often a bit of food or debris that is stuck and will resolve on it's own. Also can be caused by a respiratory infection, so if it does not resolve, that should be considered. I've had a couple of birds do this when they are very hot also, once it cools in the evening it resolves.
No it's more barky but she doesn't seem to have any difficulty breathing. I'll just keep an eye on her for now. Thanks for your help!

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