"Stagecoach" chicken tractor lever help please


12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Barrington, RI
I cannot find anyone in our area who can drill/blast the 5/8" holes in the square steel tube I got from Home Depot for the wheel levers. Does anyone have any suggestions on alternatives?
I tried wood but I think it was too small and it broke almost immediately. It is sooooo close to being finished.

Thank you
Any decent corded drill with reasonably sharp bits should be able to drill though steel tubing. Start with a small hole, maybe 1/4 inch, and gradually increase the size. Go slow.
Make sure you add a little oil to lubricate the drill bits. A dime size drop on the metal where you will be drilling is fine. Motor oil for you car is perfect to use. Also, when drilling, go slow. You drill wood at high speed, metal at low speed. Last fall I drilled 3/4" holes in 3/8" steel angle stock. This would be a good excuse to go buy a drill press - they go much slower than hand drills, and are better suited to a job like this.

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