staggered hatches

I was just going to post this same question. I have a staggered hatch on a much larger scale going on. I have 44 eggs already in the bator with 6 set on 5/9, 1 set 5/10, 18 set 5/11, 19 set 5/13, 6 more due to arrive today & be set 5/15, and 30+ scheduled to arrive Wed & be set 5/17. There are also ducks in this mix (Calls, Saxonies, Runners, & Black East Indies). I have each egg color coded with marker for set dates & a log of when to stop turning them & expected hatch dates....BUT WHAT DO I DO ABOUT LOCKDOWN??? I still have other eggs I need to turn while these hatch. What should I do?
I have been setting every day since april 8th one egg a day and have done real well. About 95% hatch rate. I just keep them turning until i see a pip then put it in the brooder for hatch. Been getting one a day that way. The reason for this is i only have one hen of this kind and she has been laying an egg a day. I have 15 chicks from her right now and they all are doing great.They are americana chicks.I have 14 eggs in the incubator yet to hatch one a day and expect to get almost all of them.
what silkie eggs do you have in incu, the only color i have laying now is my white hen, have 5 others yet to sexed
I have 8 Assorted...could be any color & could include Showgirls.

The 24+ I have coming mid-June are also assorted & could include Paints.

Right now, I have 1 White Silkie about 12 weeks old in my coop who is looking more & more rooish by the day.

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