Staggered Hatching Under Broody Question


Feb 28, 2020
SE Wisconsin
First time broody, first time Broody owner-first egg hatched Monday evening (early!!). Two hatched during the day yesterday, and one hatched this morning. She still has 5 more eggs under her. She took everyone out to eat about an hour ago and then went back in and sat right back on the eggs. If those other eggs do hatch (last night would have been the 21 days since I set them under her), do I still have hope that she is going to take care of them? I have a heat plate and can make up a brooder in a quick hurry, but I was really hoping to let mom do the job this time around. I'm just curious about others with past experience. A friend collected them all for me within a 24 hour period and I was hoping they'd all hatch within a 24 hour period, but no such luck!!
If they hatch, she will take care of them. I would just sit back and let mother nature do her thing. If they are extremely rare or expensive eggs, then you may want to intervene, but that's up to you.
Awesome! Photos when you can? :love
These were from a couple days ago, but they are doing so well. I let them have the whole run today while our big girls were out free ranging. They are in, out, and over everything in there and stick to mom like glue when she tells them to. I'm so proud of her🥰 My hubby said she threw some sort of chicken temper tantrum the one time she called them to come to her to eat and they didn't, and they all went SHOOTING over to her 🤣🤣🤣I feel for her, I have a three and a half year old...
If they hatch, she will take care of them. I would just sit back and let mother nature do her thing. If they are extremely rare or expensive eggs, then you may want to intervene, but that's up to you.
Thank you!! They are barnyard mixes from a friend, this is our "trial run" to see if she'll be a good broody for future purchased eggs. Ugh, that was easy enough to tell myself until I saw them, at least😊

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