Standard black LaFleche eggs

OOOHHH, I breed I have never seen before!! I would love to try BUT I don't get paid until Friday
I am sure my 4H kids would LOVE to seen them too, we have never had any of those at our fair before. Maybe next time.
I have birds from 2 different people, both of them are judges, the 2nd ones I got came from a APA-ABA licensed judge and a APA master exhibitor from IL, the 1st ones I cant remember off the top of my head and I have been looking for notes that I have on them to see who they came from, I know he was judge also, from OH, but I cant remember his name. Im sure about posting their names on here, dont know if they would mind or not................
Caddy, this won't be a one time offer will it??
Maybe when your moderns start laying I can get some of both kind of eggies from you. The kiddo would really like the little horns on the LeFleche
No I'll have more later on and hopefully the little ones[modern] will be laying also................I'll kee ya in mind..........

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