Standard cot size


Mar 14, 2017
New Zealand
Hi, I'm really struggling to find any info on growth rates and full grown sizes of standard cots.
We don't have jumbo cot or meatmaker types here in NZ (that I know of anyway), so standard was the way to go.

I hatched out 15 chicks just over 2 weeks ago. They were from 2 different breeders, and are very different sizes, so I'm trying to get a good idea of 'average'.
Week 1, the weights were 13-32g
Week 2, the weights were 28-58g
- 2 days after these weights, they are from 37-67g...

They're on 28% protein pheasant starter feed - as thats the only game bird-type feed we can get where I am.

Hmm... so yeah, any thoughts welcome.
Interestingly enough - I hatched 2 whites, and they are both the smallest and heaviest (not biggest... the lone tibetan is the physically biggest one, though is always 2-3g behind the heaviest white)

Even contacting the sellers has proved useless. One came back and continually emailed me that 'if you don't feed our feed, then we will not discuss this with you'... and the other has, thus far, ignored me.

In general I don't think people care much about the growth rates of standard cots - if they want big quail, they get jumbos. So apart from yours being smaller than jumbos, I think it's going to be hard to find anything regarding how they compare to normal cots.
I found the numbers for a line of jumbos called tha 'tatanka':
14 days ~80g
21 days ~130g
28 days ~200g
42 days = 280g+

But I guess that's not really going to help you.
Ok, so I finally received some information from one of the breeders - YAY. Turns out the size I should expect is very similar to the 'tatanka' you mention above.

So what am I doing wrong? Why are mine so small?

They're on good feed, 28% protein. They're fed ad-lib. They have a heat lamp and while I don't know the exact temp of it - its obviously comfortable, as they're all spread out around the brooder - and aside from a few lapses, they've been comfortably like this since hatching. They have access to clean water 24/7, with ACV in it.
They /ARE/ growing, but far more slowly than expected...
You seem to be doing everything right. Once your birds are fully grown, you can select the largest as breeders and cull out the runts. Then away you go.

One suggestion if it's available is a chick start vitamin and probiotic mix for their water.

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