Start of frostbite????

Sue S

6 Years
Mar 7, 2018
Yesterday was the 1st day since the weather got cold & we got snow ( live in Pa ) that I let my ducks out to swim in the pond, when I let them out this morning I noticed that their feet are turning black. Is it the start of frostbite???? Or do their feet change color because of the weather ( getting colder )
20181118_123212 (3).jpg
That looks like normal foot coloring. At the start of frostbite there would be signs that they are too cold, such as not wanting to swim, (water not yet frozen, so not cold enough for frostbite), limping, huddling and not moving much.
Here's a picture of them in their pen/run that I took in the summer, the females webbing has always been darker but not black & not on the toes, & my male's feet have always been orange no dark spots. Maybe i'm just being a worried mamma!!!
babies 1.jpg

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