Started Buff Orps and New Hampshire Reds, need advice fast


Feb 6, 2008
Southeast MI
So I found an add for 6 buff orps and 6 nhrs for $5 each. They are 4.5-5 weeks old and the owner believes they are all hens. I have questions

1) How much space in a brooder would these hens need, I only want 4 of them.? I don't have my coop built yet, but I like the idea of getting eggs 4.5-5 weeks earlier. I do have a brooder that is 3.5'x2'.

2)Which of these two breeds is a better layer? I am looking for something that will lay year round. I know that buff orps are pretty good, no rir, but hey, they are older.

3) At this age should it be easy to make sure I am getting hens?

4) If I don't want these is there anyone out there that does is the detroit area.
both are heavy layers and with good care should give you just about an egg a day.

i have two reds and avg about 3 eggs every 4 days.

in the summer i expect that to be nearly 4 for 4.

the roo's will grow much quicker than a hen, so if you have some that are significantly larger that would likely be a roo.

otherwise you likely have all hens.
So with two hens you get about a half dozen eggs a week? Just want to clarify if you are getting 3 eggs over four days per hen or for both.

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