Started incubating chicken eggs today (26/9)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Good morning.
I started incubating chicken eggs today (my own birds). It's actually my fifth time incubating them. There are 42 of them in my incubator now.
I know the pointed edge of the egg should be pointed down, but I have an egg with no pointed edge, what do I do with it?
It doesn't matter? Do I need to candle it and see where the air sac is? Should I not incubate it?
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Candle it to see which end the air cell is at and then put that end up. Thats why you put the pointy end down as the air cell is suppose to be in the fat end. Well that what i did with an egg that I had that didn't seem to have a pointy end and it hatched just fine. If the egg is fresh the air cell will be very small but you should still be able to see it when you shine a light through it, try shining on the side and you'll see the clear space and then the filled in bit. Hope that makes sense
I'm having trouble finding the air-sac (the egg is fresh), can I check it out the first time I candle all eggs (in about four days), and just flip the egg then, or will it be late?
Not sure about that one sorry - could you possibly lay it on its side somewhere, you'd have to turn it by hand but at least you could manage it that way until the air cell showed up?
Good idea, I guess that's what I'll do. But I'll still be happy if some can answer, what happens if an egg is placed with the pointed edge up?
I set eggs last night, so I'm with ya!
good luck!

I borrowed a cabinet bator, and filled it up... ugh, what WAS I thinking?
bought a grab bag of 30, but they did get scrambled pretty bad... so tossed in a few dozen from my own flock! LOL!

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