Started Pullets or Chicks?

Jolly Rancher

11 Years
Sep 17, 2008
Raleigh, NC
I have a dilemma. I was just about to order my first chicks (Golden Buffs) from Meyer's, when I discovered a local hatchery has 19 week old Golden Buff pullets that have been vaccinated for Marek's, Newcastle and Fowl Pox.

I would enjoy raising chicks, but is it better in the long run to have fully vaccinated chickens? I'm starting a small backyard flock, so I'm not really sure if the vaccinations are necessary.
no experience here, but I've read that by raising them they will be more closely attached to you, listen, come when you call etc.
Here's my 2 cents...for what it's worth. My first chickens were started pullets, and it was great fun to start getting eggs in just a few weeks. For the most part my girls are friendly and easy to handle, but a few are flighty.

I feel like that since I'm a beginner, it was easier to start off with the started pullets, especially since it was late winter when we got them. Now I feel I have more knowledge under my belt to move on to chicks in the spring!

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