Starting a flock for eggs and meat


In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2015
Queensland, Australia
Hello all
I've just registered on BYC and am hoping to get some clarifications on what I've learned from researching keeping chickens.
To start with I'll tell you about my plans
We are about 20 mins out from a rural town in far north qld and so don't have to worry about noise from any animals we keep. (Our closest neighbour is a kilometre away ) we would like to keep chickens for eggs and meat, they don't necessarily need to be dual purpose. We have plenty of room for two separate coops (including run) or a large one.
What I've learned:
Autosexing- pure breeds that naturally have visual differences between male and female chicks so they can be sexed from day one
Sex-linked- cross breeds that are bred intentionally to create visual differences between male and female chicks so they can be sexed from day one.
For eggers:
New Hampshire crossed with white leghorns, australorps or Rhode Island reds.
ISA Brown, leghorn, Rhode Island Red, black or red star, light Sussex, Plymouth Rock, cuckoo Maran and barred rock
Ideally I'd like some coloured eggs as well, and lavender araucanas seem to be widely available here, but I'm not to concerned with this yet.
I've lost my notes on meat breeds but from memory I believe light Sussex was a suitable breed for this too.
If I'm mistaken in any of this info could you please correct me and if you have any suggestions on how to accomplish my goal that would be greatly appreciated
Can't wait for the mass of knowledge I'm sure will come my way! Thanks all

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