Starting a hatch September 21....hatch along?

how long should it take for all my chicks to hatch, they started to hatch nearly a day late, had 13 hatch yesterday (1 of which died and another is blind) there dosent seem to be much activity one has been hatching now for a few hours now very slow compared to the others,
What is your humidity?

We have a Brinsea Mini Advanced and a Brinsea Mini Eco. It doesn't have a humidity reading.

We went ahead and tried the one that had the white egg (easy to candle) and the green egg that we think quit a long time ago. We took out 8 layers of paper towel and left one. The bottom layers were absolutely soaked. Did I drown them with too many paper towels?

We candled the white one - no movement.

Do I bother trying to correct the mistake with the other one? Or just leave well enough alone and wait through the weekend? They've been locked down since Wednesday - locked down at day 17 because they were wiggling so much.

My husband thinks we need to get the paper towels out of the 2nd bator ASAP. Do we? I don't know what to do any more.
It's what, day 20 for you now? At this point, just wait. If you must, and if you're alright with the high risk of losing the chick, you might try opening an egg, carefully, at the air sac end of the egg.
Oooh, almost forgot... I think one of my eggs moved! It was in a different spot than where I had originally put it! Or I'm just going crazy. Either way, pretty awesome!
We have a Brinsea Mini Advanced and a Brinsea Mini Eco. It doesn't have a humidity reading.

We went ahead and tried the one that had the white egg (easy to candle) and the green egg that we think quit a long time ago. We took out 8 layers of paper towel and left one. The bottom layers were absolutely soaked. Did I drown them with too many paper towels?

We candled the white one - no movement.

Do I bother trying to correct the mistake with the other one? Or just leave well enough alone and wait through the weekend? They've been locked down since Wednesday - locked down at day 17 because they were wiggling so much.

My husband thinks we need to get the paper towels out of the 2nd bator ASAP. Do we? I don't know what to do any more.
Take out the paper towels, they will actually raise the humidity by absorbing the water and creating more surface area for evaporation. You don't want to have too high of humidity just as much as you don't want too low of a humidity. There are lots of factors that cause late embryo death, but I do not believe the paper towels would be one of them. Follow the humidity instructions that came with your incubator and keep a constant tempature. Then leave them well alone and pray. I have known chickens eggs to hatch as late as day 26, though if they were wiggling at day 17, that doesn't sound like a late hatch. Either way don't give up yet. If you have more questions, I can try to answer them. Also, I highly recommend you but something that measures humidity. Good Luck!
First pip! And it isn't in the air sac.... The little guy better hatch. I do wonder if there is any sort of cause to chicks that don't get into hatching position. When this happens, I try to break off just a few more tiny pieces so that the chick has a big enough hole to breathe properly. If he's not hatched by Sunday morning, I'll help but I'm hoping that he'll figure it out before then.
so i candled mine tonigth for the last time got rid f the ones that did not develope but broody girl still has 9 eggs and are all moving inside so hope fully tomorrow they will start hatching.
i got a question is it ok to help the peepers breakout of their shell??
so i candled mine tonigth for the last time got rid f the ones that did not develope but broody girl still has 9 eggs and are all moving inside so hope fully tomorrow they will start hatching.
i got a question is it ok to help the peepers breakout of their shell??

Yes, but there are a lot of very important steps to follow, and you should only do it if the chick can't hatch on it's own. If you want to know them, I can tell you but it's best to leave a chick be. If you know that a chick has pipped internally but not externally after 24 hours, you may may an external pip for it. If after the external pip they have not hatched with in 36 hours, you may help them with the actual hatching process but there are a lot of things you must watch for otherwise you will kill the chick. Usually chicks do just fine on their own, and if they are under a broody, I would leave them alone completely and let the mother do her job as there are a lot of risks with helping. Also, sometimes they were just not meant to be. I once had one that couldn't hatch on it's own 36 hours after the pip, so I went and and helped and out came a one legged chick, yup, you heard that right. The little guy only had one leg which was why it couldn't hatch. Good Luck with your hatch!
Yes, but there are a lot of very important steps to follow, and you should only do it if the chick can't hatch on it's own. If you want to know them, I can tell you but it's best to leave a chick be. If you know that a chick has pipped internally but not externally after 24 hours, you may may an external pip for it. If after the external pip they have not hatched with in 36 hours, you may help them with the actual hatching process but there are a lot of things you must watch for otherwise you will kill the chick. Usually chicks do just fine on their own, and if they are under a broody, I would leave them alone completely and let the mother do her job as there are a lot of risks with helping. Also, sometimes they were just not meant to be. I once had one that couldn't hatch on it's own 36 hours after the pip, so I went and and helped and out came a one legged chick, yup, you heard that right. The little guy only had one leg which was why it couldn't hatch. Good Luck with your hatch!
ok thats awesome info thanks a lot, now what is an internal pip and an external pip im sorry for so many questions its my first time i want to know as much as i can so i dont mess it up i know this are like the crucial days for those eggs so any help tip and trick i can get is awesome

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