Starting a Hatchery


6 Years
Apr 5, 2018
Hi y’all,
I️ really want to start a hatchery and was hoping I️ could get some advice on how to start. I️ have been trying to find a career to pursue and this is what I️ really want to do. What breeds would be the best to start off with? How would I️ advertise to the poultry community and get my idea off the ground?

Thank you!
First, you have to find out some information.

--look into any zoning laws or other restrictions.

--look into any certifications you will need and what you need to do to get them. Are you going to be shipping eggs/chicks across state lines? That will probably require more certifications. (I have no idea.)

--look into what birds are available in your area already; is that because that's what sells, or is there room for you to have something different?

--where will you have your buildings? Do you have to build? Can you start small with something you already have?

--how will you bankroll this? Can you keep going for 3 or 6 or 9 months with little to no income from this? What if it takes a year or more?

In other words, you have a lot of homework to do before you launch. I don't say all this to rain on your parade; totally the opposite. I hope this works for you and you don't get started only to find out XYZ is not going to work or you don't have certification PDQ, and you have to get rid of all your birds. Or pay a huge fine or go to jail.

Good luck.
Interesting! Are you already experienced at hatching eggs? Maybe you could go work at a hatchery for a while to learn how it,'s done, what equipment is needed, how many employees you would need, etc. What is involved logistically? Like, how much poop do x number of laying hens produce in a day, how do you get rid of it and what are you going to do with it? How will you pay for feed? What kind of facility will you need? And so very much more!
Interesting! Are you already experienced at hatching eggs? Maybe you could go work at a hatchery for a while to learn how it,'s done, what equipment is needed, how many employees you would need, etc. What is involved logistically? Like, how much poop do x number of laying hens produce in a day, how do you get rid of it and what are you going to do with it? How will you pay for feed? What kind of facility will you need? And so very much more!
Sorry, i forgot to add, good luck! Let us know when you launch and what you name it!
Hi again!
I’m currently selling locally in NV. I️ started some social media accounts to hopefully gain a larger following. My username on Instagram is DMC_Hatchery. Feel free to check it out, right now I’m working on a hatching project for quail. Thank you everyone for your help!
Hi again!
I’m currently selling locally in NV. I️ started some social media accounts to hopefully gain a larger following. My username on Instagram is DMC_Hatchery. Feel free to check it out, right now I’m working on a hatching project for quail. Thank you everyone for your help!
I recommend the stationary breeds first.

Rhode Island red
EEs are an easy one to breed
If you breed EEs, would you please stick with the ones with facial fluff. I don't care for the "new" ones now being bred, with no fluff. To me that is what distinguishes EE from all other breeds. Thank you!
I️ will definitely breed for cheek fluff! I️ have a bunch of EE hens so all I️ need is a roo and I’m set. I️ might have a hard time competing with the feed stores though 😅
I️ will definitely breed for cheek fluff! I️ have a bunch of EE hens so all I️ need is a roo and I’m set. I️ might have a hard time competing with the feed stores though 😅
Are yours breeder quality? That would be a big seller I think. Or are they in happy coops and flocks and stuff? If they are raised better than other hatcheries and you have lots of different varieties I think they would sell pretty good.😉

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