Starting A New Flock From Sick Birds


15 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Marietta, SC
Hey All,

I have a friend dealing with Infectious Coryza in their flock. I have informed them that they should cull and start fresh and many of their birds are replaceable from a hatchery. However a select few arent replaceable and my friend wants to hatch from the carrier birds which from what I read is possible as It isnt transmitted via egg. I confirmed it was coryza as the birds have white faces, swollen eyes underneath, gasping, coughing, sneezing, and some have sealed eyes. And the odor confirmed coryza. I was trying to advise them how to keep the two pens of infected breeders across their yard and to diapose of everything else thats hatchery stock and replaceable. What would be the best route?

This person has geese, ducks, turkeys and chickens. Would they need to get rid of the ducks, geese, and turkeys too? Would they reinfect their flock? I noticed their turkeys were sneezing and wet nosed too. I think they are wanting to hatch chicks and put the healthy chicks in the clean area of the yard and then get rid of the sick parents. How long would it take to be considered safe before adding birds back to the pens and how and what procedures should be done to get rid of this disease and help them get a clean flock. Ive given them all I could find on here and they are aware medication will make them well but still carriers. My question is can this be done like they want and how could the carrier birds be kept on the property so they dont infect the new birds. What time frame before they introduce new birds to the pens where the infected birds were? Would it be safe to keep the carrier birds 50+ feet apart? They dont want to destroy their coops, they just finished constructing them and spent a couple grand to make breeding pens. Will the disease spread via air if the birds are treated and no longer sneezing? Also is white faces coryza as well or is it worms or pests?

Many Thanks. Ill check in as time allows. Im trying to help them but stay busy myself.
I read somewhere you can dip the eggs to sanitize them, which I would do because there could be bacteria on the egg that could infect fresh hatches, even if they aren't affected during development. Also, since it can be spread through the air/dust particles etc, culling the flock would be best if a disease free flock is the goal. No need to destroy the coops or pens. Simply sanitizing, waiting, and sanitizing and waiting some more should do. If its hot and sunny, I've read the UV rays will kill stuff like that in open areas. I'd wait month(S) before re-introducing birds to runs that couldn't be hosed in bleach. Be aware that all poo remnants should be removed so dangerous fumes aren't created. Not sure if other birds can be carriers. Ovbviously if the bacteria is on them physically, it could be transmitted off their feet/feathers. I think quail/pheasants could be affected too. I would be concerned about how they contracted the bacteria to start with! So culling and sanitizing is all well and good, but if it came from a newbie, you'd want to know where it came from and avoid reinfecting after you clean up.
I think they had bought birds from a breeder and the birds were healthy but shed it too their ordered birds. I hate seeing them go through this as I had told them how to tell if they were sick. I just am trying to tell them how to build a new flock from their show birds that are clean. Ive heard its possible just want more advice and I thought I would have more replies than this. Is BYC no longer that active?
Its active if you ask in the right place, but probably still won't get very good feedback. Well, unfortunately with sick/carrier birds, the response is usually the same from everyone-for every disease. Either have a closed carrier flock, or cull, sanitize, and start over. Of course after starting again, practice good biosecurity. Wish there was a better way to go about it. If they really like the show birds, I'd give it a shot. Just start back small. Setup clean eggs in the incubator, separate the layers in case the hatch goes bad. Keep them as FAR away from everything as possible, AND downwind. Sanitize and wing it. Once the chicks are reintroduced with the geese and such, just watch for signs of sickness. If they never get sick, then theyre probably ok.

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