Starting New Job Tomorrow


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
This is my first post on this new website, but I think I have figured it out!

Tomorrow is my first official day at my new job. I am both excited and nervous. I will be working as a paid EMT with a hospital company in the area. The application process was very long and I've had to go through a bunch of orientations, but I really lucked out and they are letting me ride with my very first crew chief I used to ride with on the volunteer squad. Tomorrow is a full day of observation and learning, then they let me off the leash to work with just a single partner. It's been a while since I've ridden full time with the volunteer squad, so I hope I remember everything!

I got really lucky with this job. Many of my friends who graduated this past semester or the one before are still looking for a job or they ended up working in retail. After a summer at Walmart I knew I did NOT want to go back to retail!

Cross your fingers that I have a good day! I will most likely be working this job until I get into a vet or grad school to continue my education.
Good luck - you probably won't need it ;)

That is exactly what I said...I do not want to work in retail. I worked in a customer-service oriented position last summer (and I was also doing custodian duties) and I did not like that at all. I start my new part time job on Wednesday as an office clerk in an elementary we're on the same boat. I'm excited and nervous too!

Congratulations, again!!
Thanks all! I always get a little nervous when I start a new job. This one requires so many more skills than any others I've ever had, but I figure if they let me loose with bacteria, radiation, and DNA over the summer, I should be fine here! LOL!
Well, CD, it's time for an update.
Ah, sorry SL! I've been meaning to get back on here and haven't had much time!

First day went very well I think. It was much more relaxed than I expected, but then again, we didn't really have any emergencies all day. For some reason, I love doing the paperwork. They kept handing that over quite happily as most others hate it. Didn't do any driving which I'm a bit nervous about because I don't really know the area I am working. Hopefully I'll get some practice learning the roads these next few weeks.

Yesterday I was riding on a truck with a nurse and EMTs, but tomorrow I will be riding with just a single EMT. It will be a little different, but the scheduler tried to give me an easy going person to ride with, so it should be fine. I worry so much about forgetting the stuff I know, but really it is like riding a bike for the most part. I remembered pretty easily.

When we are not out doing a job, we get some time to relax until we get called out again for another job. I'm sure some days will leave little time for sitting down and relaxing, but it was actually pretty nice in the morning the first day I worked.

I do have to say that those uniforms are STIFF! I was in pain by the end of the day. Tomorrow I am going to be smart and wear a layer underneath everything, including the pants! I washed everything, but it is going to take forever for them things to soften!
Ah, sorry SL! I've been meaning to get back on here and haven't had much time!

First day went very well I think. It was much more relaxed than I expected, but then again, we didn't really have any emergencies all day. For some reason, I love doing the paperwork. They kept handing that over quite happily as most others hate it. Didn't do any driving which I'm a bit nervous about because I don't really know the area I am working. Hopefully I'll get some practice learning the roads these next few weeks.

Yesterday I was riding on a truck with a nurse and EMTs, but tomorrow I will be riding with just a single EMT. It will be a little different, but the scheduler tried to give me an easy going person to ride with, so it should be fine. I worry so much about forgetting the stuff I know, but really it is like riding a bike for the most part. I remembered pretty easily.

When we are not out doing a job, we get some time to relax until we get called out again for another job. I'm sure some days will leave little time for sitting down and relaxing, but it was actually pretty nice in the morning the first day I worked.

I do have to say that those uniforms are STIFF! I was in pain by the end of the day. Tomorrow I am going to be smart and wear a layer underneath everything, including the pants! I washed everything, but it is going to take forever for them things to soften!
Is this job in your chosen field? I know you are a highly intelligent young woman, and you handle adversity well.

This job is sort of in my field, but it is not something I want to do very long term. Right now it is just for experience and to pay the bills, but I will also be applying for vet schools over the summer. I would like to start a program come Fall of 2013. However, I will probably be at this EMT job for a year and a half to two years. I can't complain about the pay though. I am hoping to be able to purchase a new laptop and maybe save up for a better car in the future!

I was lucky to know people who already work at this company which I think got me through the process a bit faster (though not much because the hiring process was still longggggg!). I was really, really worried about what I would do after college though! It would have been horrible to come home and have nothing lined up. Money goes quickly when there is none coming in!

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