Starting to hatch into business

Little Red Hen Eggs

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
Hi, I am just getting all kinds of information and plan to start raising chickens for an egg business.
At least that is my hope. I am just in the starting stages.
My husband and I live on about 4 acres and have two dogs - Duchess and Puddles. Duchess is a Labradoddle black, 81 pounds and full of energy when she is not sleeping.
Puddels is my 7-8 pound lasapoo and silver gray with some black. Puddels think she is a big dog.
We have two grown children living at home.. Daughter works and goes to college and my son is just out of the Navy.
I work as a cake decorator and also own a vending machine business.
I would like to have chickens to sell the eggs and also to use them myself. That way I know where they come from.
Any advice is always helpful to me.
what would you like to know exactly? are you looking for advice on laying breeds/temperment, housing, feeding, what? you'll have to be a little more specific, because just asking for "advice" could get you a five page lecture from most people on byc, lol
thanks for the warning.. I guess maybe what would be a good laying hen? What would be a good size coop for about 12? Do I need a roaster?
I am sure I have more, but these will do to start with. thanking you in advance.
from Pride, La.

Any of your sex links are laying machines. If you want more longevity go for your Barred Rocks, RIR, Buff Orphingtons, etc.. And no you don't need a rooster their just good to have around protectnig their flock!!

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