Starting to panic ***Update pg 2 and pics of NEW Show Girl!!!!

Now you got it right.
Go to bed.

I just got up to peeping. Sure enough one little one was smacking that egg shell a good one with beak and feet going at it. It came a couple mins ago.
After I went to bed and was slowly drifting off!
So it does work!

Good luck!
ok just heard a chirp and now there is one pipping

its a good thing to because I was starting to get woozy with anticipation
I just got a 1588 genesis for my birthday and my temps are reading 100 degrees and 99.5 with my other thermometer. I've been putting water in the tray, but I don't have anything to record the humidity. Where can I get a humidity thingy?
I believe walmart carries the digital springfield humidity and temp thingy.

Now I have 2 pips. I hope they hurry I am supposed to go to VT for my yearly snowbaording trip thurseday afternoon and although I have someone coming to feed and water and collect eggs and stuff, I do not want them having to deal with the bators at all and was hoping by my calculations that they would all be here today but I may have to push back my trip a day I am thinking.

Ugg I hate it when the saying "dont count your chickens before they hatch" comes and bites me in the butt!
1 zipping should be out any moment and 5 more pipping, that makes 6 out of 12 trying to hatch so far!!!! and the night is young
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And here is my first SHOW GIRL

Isnt it a cutie!!!! I just adore it already and decided that tomorrow when they hopefully are ready to come out of the hatcher that I am going to keep this particular brooder (with what hopefully will be full of SG's ) in my master bathroom. LOL not where all the other brooders are in my basement.



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