State a fact about yourself!

No, there was something wrong. When I dislodged his feet from the ground, he didn't fly away like the normal, healthy seagull who just had a little dilemma.
Maybe something already got him while you looked up what was wrong
My hand is throbbing. Today my shepherd tried to go behind the wood burning stove - hiding from thunder from the snow storm. when I started pulling her out to take her to another "safe spot" my two cats went crazy attacking her and me when I tried to dislodge them from her back and neck. It was quite upsetting because they went after her to really do damage -almost wild like. I got her into the garage and outside. She is fine just really shaken up. I on the other hand have a puncture in my hand and several scratches on both legs and right arm. I threw my hand in the snow immediately, stopped the bleedeing then poured peroxide all over the cuts. Now my hand is throbbing. Putting ice on and off, took some ibuprofin. uggh.

Now when poor Kaci (the dog) goes out - she loves the snow- she doesn;t want to come in. time heals all wounds. Oh yeah, in the melea, my glasses broke so now I cant read or knit. Today was a snow day too. Could of gotten a lot done on the baby blamket I'm working on. Darn it. At least I can kind of type.

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