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Btw I just got pure ameracauna eggs in the mail today. And my husband bought 9 ee.the real funny thing was he said he would breed them anyway or eat the extra roo's I waited a few and asked him if they said srt run him beemed and told me no pullets I told him it was ok he could eat some and use a pure bred roo and still get chicks. I love him for trying and fuzzies are cute no matter their pedigree
Btw I just got pure ameracauna eggs in the mail today. And my husband bought 9 ee.the real funny thing was he said he would breed them anyway or eat the extra roo's I waited a few and asked him if they said srt run him beemed and told me no pullets I told him it was ok he could eat some and use a pure bred roo and still get chicks. I love him for trying and fuzzies are cute no matter their pedigree
i've had this dog for almost 5 months and i've never heard him bark... until thismorning. it was like 6 am and i heard this noise and i'm like "whoa what IS that?" until i realized ooo that's my rott wieler barking! so i'm like "uh.. mom.. my dog's barking" and she looked really surprised and she's like "ooh so thts what that was!" so i went outside to check it out cuz if he's barking thts a baaaaaad sign and he was in this defensive stance and glaring kinda towards the woods at these bushes. i made sure he was okay and he seemed reletively happy so i went back inside and i got introuble for not looking in the bush! are you kidding i woulda either 1) been sprayed by a skunk or 2) been atacked by a mountain lion. and tht was my excitement for the day... btw my doggy has a really cool bark!
My mom went to the city council meeting yesterday, where they would be discussing the keeping of backyard chickens in the city limits. She came home with some good and not so good news.

From what she heard, it seems like more council members than not think that it should be allowed. Which is the good news. The not so good news is that the maximum amount of chickens they will allow anyone to have, at least for the first year or two, is four.

They have not fully decided yet, but it seems more likely than not that this is what is going to happen.

I'm trying not to over think this or worry too much, because it will only cause me to get mopey and depressed. But I will more than likely have to re-home four of my hens.

The city council said that they want to start this small, and only allow people to have a very small amount of chickens, so that they can see how it goes. If it goes well, they will allow us to have a few more than four. Maybe six or eight. But if it goes bad, they are banning chickens all together. So I'm really hoping that anyone else who gets chickens in our city doesn't mess this up for the people like me that love chickens and want to be allowed to keep our pets.
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