Statistics on male to female goslings Sebastopol


Sep 16, 2021
Does anybody know what the ratio male to female Sebastopol gosling in a clutch? I don't know if I'm using the right verbiage but I hope you can understand what I'm asking. In other words, if there are five eggs and they all hatch how many female to male? Obviously you can't give an exact number but generally speaking.
I did an experiment one year with color-sexed eggs from two dewlap toulouse girls. I found male eggs to be larger and were laid every other day. A pro hatcher and myself hatched all the eggs and results were consistent with egg size (male vs female). Thus the 50/50 split. I have also noted with incubation, boys do better with higher temps (and tend to hatch faster). So temps that run high tend to produce more boys, and vice versa.
I did an experiment one year with color-sexed eggs from two dewlap toulouse girls. I found male eggs to be larger and were laid every other day. A pro hatcher and myself hatched all the eggs and results were consistent with egg size (male vs female). Thus the 50/50 split. I have also noted with incubation, boys do better with higher temps (and tend to hatch faster). So temps that run high tend to produce more boys, and vice versa.
Interesting! Thank you.

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