Staying Clean


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 22, 2011
Do any of you manage to stay clean when you clean the duck coop, fill the pool, clean dishes or anything duck related? It always seems like I'm getting something slashed on me or in my face. This morning I was cleaning their food dish with the hose and i had a face full..
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Been ther done that so many times
now I have pants that I wear on those days I use the bleach, because no matter how careful it's gonna get ya.
I'm never clean after cleaning their living quarters. I think the ducks are cleaner than I am. I get crap splashed in my eyes, my nose and my mouth. Gotta love it!
Stay clean doing ducks? Are you kidding? Impossible! I have 7 pools to clean and fill, so I get up in the morning, do chores, THEN take a shower. Besides getting back spray, my biggest complaint is the darn hose. I'm forever getting mud all over my legs from the hose, but it washes off, and the enjoyment of the ducks outweighs the dirty factor. I figure it just goes with the territory.
I always wear my "play clothes" when I'm going to clean. I've got a chicken coop, duck pen and two mini horses stalls that keep me very busy AND dirty!
I'm glad i'm not the only 1 getting dirty
!! My ducks don't even like their pool
!! I'm thinking about getting rid of it. They have a nice size pan in their yard that they'd rather play in..
I always make a mess when I am outdoors. If I am painting, I am covered. If I am cleaning pens - well, you get the idea.

My DXH (that is an X husband) worked in horse barns and dog kennels every day. He was also a house painter. That man never seemed to have dirt / paint on him and always smelled great.

I think some people are just naturally messy. I know I am!
I am as well. One thing that stumps me is that when I go outside, I always put on my knee length rubber boots. The part that I can't understand is how can dirt and rocks and leaves and hay get in my boots when they are KNEE LENGTH!???
yeah its a messy job!! i just go out in flip flops and old ratty clothes or a swimsuit and spray everything down, then spray myself down afterwards. I have an attachment on my hose that makes the water pressure really high so i dont have to be standing over the mess which helps alot with the splashing. i've gotten some infections on my feet from walking in there, so i've been considering getting boots. but if the stuff is getting in your eyes maybe you could wear goggles or a mask? i mean youll look silly but its better than having an eye infection!
I am as well. One thing that stumps me is that when I go outside, I always put on my knee length rubber boots. The part that I can't understand is how can dirt and rocks and leaves and hay get in my boots when they are KNEE LENGTH!???


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