Stepped on quail chick, helppppp!


In the Brooder
Sep 29, 2019
My girlfriend stepped on my 1 week old quail chick. He is limping, he cant keep his head straight and cant use one of his legs as well. He starts to sleep and cry even more than usual, which I thought could be the sign of pain.
His head is one sided and he can't keep his body balance. However, he still drinks and eats normally (with my help mostly)
Is there any chance that he's gonna survive?
My girlfriend stepped on my 1 week old quail chick. He is limping, he cant keep his head straight and cant use one of his legs as well. He starts to sleep and cry even more than usual, which I thought could be the sign of pain.
His head is one sided and he can't keep his body balance. However, he still drinks and eats normally (with my help mostly)
Is there any chance that he's gonna survive?
There could be a chance however if he does he may be handicapped so to say. He may keep the issues with his leg or balance. If he is alone the cry could be loneliness or because he is cold. I would keep him in a warm dry place away from any predators to see how he does in the coming days. Is he pooping? Did anything protrude from his vent? Any bruising? Chances are he can come out of this he will just need to have time. Much like when they suffer a head bump and have balance and act confused for a few days. Quails are Hardy but being one week old I am not sure . Post a picture of him. If he gets worse as in stops eating or drinking, not pooping I would put him down. I wish you luck I hope he pulls thru
There could be a chance however if he does he may be handicapped so to say. He may keep the issues with his leg or balance. If he is alone the cry could be loneliness or because he is cold. I would keep him in a warm dry place away from any predators to see how he does in the coming days. Is he pooping? Did anything protrude from his vent? Any bruising? Chances are he can come out of this he will just need to have time. Much like when they suffer a head bump and have balance and act confused for a few days. Quails are Hardy but being one week old I am not sure . Post a picture of him. If he gets worse as in stops eating or drinking, not pooping I would put him down. I wish you luck I hope he pulls thru
X2, could have damage, permanent to. Depending if she got something important, allowing him to walk properly, watch him closely, see if he can eat and drink on his own, a picture or video of his behavior will help!
Thanks for your answers, few hours later after the accident, he could walk/run (but his vision seems to be "askew"), eat and drink normally on his own and of course, pooping as usual. But he still remains sleepy and tends to sleep all the time, his neck is still crooked. Still watching him
Thanks for your answers, few hours later after the accident, he could walk/run (but his vision seems to be "askew"), eat and drink normally on his own and of course, pooping as usual. But he still remains sleepy and tends to sleep all the time, his neck is still crooked. Still watching him
He may just need some time to recover. I'm sure it stressed him.

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