Sticky Situation Advice?

If you have already tried the gentle approach and it didn't work then it is time for the direct route. Something like, "I loved the original plans you had. What happened? This is totally different. I appreciate the work you have done but my neighborhood association just won't go for this. They are really strict about new structures and could force me to remove it. We really need to disassemble and go back to the plans. "
That's the darn-est looking thing I've ever seen?

You are in a situation.Since he is going to be there a while I would give him an (as in one)opportunity to make it right.
I would get the plans and discuss the plans with what you see.When HE can see that the plans and what he built are not the same ask him what and how will he make it so.Then you will still have to supervise to see that it is done correctly.

It may very well be that nothing you tell him will make him understand that what he has built now will never be right.

In my years of experience I have found out that what ppl tell you they can do as far as something you need made or fixed can be totally different than what they do.Makes me nuts.

Here's a true example:I designed a walk in animal enclosure over 30 years ago.I had everything about it perfect for my needs.When I left my husband the enclosure stayed with him.Later I had a friend build me another one.It was perfect too.Now,here comes the good part...I needed another one built and asked another friend to build it.He asked how did I want it built?I looked across the room and I said "Just like that one".
He asked me many more times how did I want it built and I kept telling him just like the one that was 15 ft.away.I told everything must be the same.All I know is when I came home from work that was the worst mess.I couldn't believe it as one was already there exactly like I wanted the new one to be.The door openings were too narrow,the shelves were all wrong I couldn't use it and he finally redid it.
Maybe it was too simple for him as he was a master carpenter and had built many multi million dollar homes.I don't know.

I wish ppl wouldn't tell me they can do something when they can't.

I hope you can get it worked out.Good luck.
I think that poor thing needs an unfortunate accident. Maybe move to a windier location... accidentally fall on it..........burn it.
Yep, there you go. Blame it on the fact that the association will make you remove it and then all his time and your money will have been wasted. Back to the plans that are approved/will pass inspection. Someone needs to help him with it, though, even if he doesn't want the help. Looks like he's got great intentions, but needs some knowledge to go with it. It can be a win-win, he learns new skills plus puts in his labor to help build you a great coop.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH I had this thread to inspire me and the dorkus didn't get home until 11pm!!!! I was ALL FUELED for a good talkin' to and I DIDN'T GET MY TALKIN' TO. Now I'm all jittery from having 'a word' not come out!

THANK GOODNESS it's not just me going "Wow that is... something else..."

Did you see the glow in the dark painted wired door 'knob'?
Yeah it is pretty special hey? I can't work out if he thinks it's good (or even usable?)... but he THINKS he's doing well? I don't know!! He stopped asking me to look at it after around day 4... like.... I didn't mind it taking weeks, it's just him not having anything else to do, whatever, he lost his home... but erm... this? I don't want to look a gift horse in the face but at the same time the gift is... I can't FIX this, I don't think. $150 in wire down the drain... there's huge gaps in all of it (the door middle has NONE in it) and the wire wasn't secured down so there's all these gaps between the layers of wire... and then he painted it glow in the dark and white (pied? Mottle?) and... D:

My husband hopes if we take the wire off in rolls, chuck the shadecloth, rebuild the door, chuck the roof and add plywood, seal and then paint (he didn't prime! or seal!) we miiiiight be able to salvage it.

At this point every day he works on it is another hour I have to take it apart!!!

It really is a lot like your story. He HADPLANS. GOOD plans. He looked like he knew what he was doing. When he built the frame he angled the wood and did a great job there.... and then... he just started nailing stuff together.

You guys should see the 'nesting shelves'....
One of them is so spaced eggs can fall through it!

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