Sticky Situation Advice?

Well, at least it won't be difficult to tear down.
Oops, I sneezed. Sorry about your constructional masterpiece. And by the way, why don't you go to accounting school?

Well, I feel badly for you. Tell him that his design is not at all safe for chickens (blame it on the birds, not your good taste) and that he should start to pay for his food.
Haha no kidding!!

I think I'm going to tell the boys they need to move it so it's not in the way of the back door (*sniff* THIS is what you see when you look out my backyard! Look, no chooks will go near it!) and maybe it'll break in transport.

Thinking of turning off the electric fence that separates the dog from this might be a good idea, too. My dog ate her last two kennels, think she'll give this a go?

...yeah I honestly think this IS more damaging to my chickens being around than not having a coop. I mean I fear they might perch on it wrong. I'll have to word it nicely. Or sneeze on it.
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I'm really sorry but,
. They say no good deed goes unpunished and boy are you being punished! LOL
Oh please pass it around! I thought I was being my usual persnickity self but I'm glad to know it really IS a piece of crap!

Oh, it's definitely a piece of crap, that's for sure. I feel for you, I really do. I recently had a house guest for a month who tried to "help" around the house and broke darn near everything he touched. Couldn't do ANYTHING right. I finally had to tell him to stop. I lied and said, "It's not you, I'm just a perfectionist and kind of OCD about things..." It was the only way I could think of not to totally hurt his feelings. He shoveled snow and broke my snow shovel, he crammed so much wood into my wood stove that he BROKE the glass door, he tried to make coffee and broke my antique sugar bowl, he decided "throwing" firewood onto my deck would be easier than carrying it, and broke my precious Buddha statue..... I could go on and on. I truly feel your pain.

I guess you need to tell him to stop; how you do it is up to you, but don't let this disaster continue. You're just going to keep sinking materials into this and then just have to tear it all down. He has to stop.

Good luck!

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