Sticky Situation Advice?

Yes. This.

And his family is in Perth.

What you do for others, will come back tenfold. However. This structure has to burn to the ground and be rebuilt by someone who REALLY can read plans.
, looks like it will fall down just by looking at it
Just tell him that the whole world (BYC) of chicken people has seen his coop and that we are all laughing at him. If he don't tear it down and fix it right he will go down in world history as the worst coop builder of all time.
LOL you guys are funny!


The coop is BACK TO IT'S FRAME, which was actually pretty good, believe it or not but OMG the boy BROKE the wood with toooons of nails. Most of it is actually unsalvagable because he used like 15 nails in 2 inch areas and splintered all the wood... and one part....!!! OMG the 'nesting shelves' had nails all going through the boards... my hens would've slaughtered their own combs off!

BUT IT'S DOWN!!!!!!! AND my husband is rebuilding it on Sunday BUT THE BEST PART: I've been sent out and away.

I was told to go inside, play a video game and on Sunday I am to go out with my girlfriend, have a fantastic time and return home to my HUSBAND having built the rest of the coop!!!!


So.... video games for me! Right now.
How nice is that? Yaaaaay Husband got mad, said I HAD to go play, wasn't allowed to work no more.
Bless him.
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Yes. This.

And his family is in Perth.

What you do for others, will come back tenfold. However. This structure has to burn to the ground and be rebuilt by someone who REALLY can read plans.

Crud, I'm really regretting killing all those chickens.

The more bizarre bad stuff that happens to me when I help people just makes me more hopeful for heaven. Man can you imagine the kick-*** pad I'm gonna get up there??

But in all fairness, he tried. Or I think he did. Anyway... it's all getting fixed.

But I do think I hurt his feelings.
im playing video games, AND on BYC at the same time

It's hard to fight tonberry when on BYC, but I try. I want a chicken like a chocobo.

Oh yeah, my nerd is showing.

Thanks everyone!!! You really helped me get the words out - I was able to break it nicely and it's all getting done and everyone is happier!

Thanks a lot.
I appreciate all the advice and help!!!!
I'm no expert on construction, or drug use, or homelessness, but that thing looks like something a tweaker would build. (Tweaker, someone with a heavy, ongoing methamphetamine use problem) They just can't help focusing really HARD on one tiny task, like the fifteen nails at a joint thing. And not following the plans, and just bizzare stuff a "normal" person would never do, and they don't see anything wrong with it at the time. You also mentioned not feeling safe alone with him. Just that alone, I would send him packing. Adios.

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