Sticky Situation Advice?

Oh I only don't feel 'safe' because I don't know him enough (except that he's tall, wears a LOT of orange and I'm 5 foot nothing just getting over a really bad illness) to start an argument with him, y'know? I don't think he's on methamphetamines, but it sure does seem like it, doesn't it?? But he drinks way way too much redbull to be also using uppers, lol. That and I am a bit more keen to the personal human signs of it and can tell, yeah, not that. Though I am fairly certain he smokes herb, but if he does, it's not inside the house at all... and also no excuse for the coop, hahah.

He's just an unknown. A friend of a friend of a friend I never spoke to. But it's all good now! We've spoken, we're happy, we're going to rebuild Sunday....

but I'll keep an eye out for signs of further drug use. (herb doesn't bother me as long as it's not in my home)
I'm so glad your coop is getting rebuilt. I'll bet that you didn't hurt his feelings too much; anyone (including him) could see that the coop wasn't good enough to keep chickens in or predators out. Look at it as a growing and learning experience for him. If he ever has to do it again (lets hope not) I bet he'll do it much better...

You have done him many more favors than just giving him a place to stay. It will come back to you...
Except no! Apparently he DID think this was good enough and so did S, the other lazy housemate!! She was like, "I don't get it... it's good enough right?" I was all, the door isn't even square! And she said, "Yeah but is that important?".... um... when you're putting a dodechahedron in a square peg, YES it's important! And then she was like, "But the shadecloth can be used, can't it? I mean, it's so pretty... and I love how nice the glow in the dark paint is!" W....T...F....

And SHE is 32!!!

And thank you.
I didn't read all the posts, have a friend someone he won't see again, or a friend of a friend come over looking all official and say, that the building is unacceptable and has already had complaints, and hand him a plan that would be acceptable! This way it takes it off of you and you won't be the one to break it to him! I think in this case a little white lie would be forgiven!

I just read the last few posts, glad you solved your problem! Lol!!!
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WOOHOO BONUS: turns out my husband has 60% of the materials as scrap at work!! So it should only cost us about $100 to fix this mess!

Ugh though I heard him talking in the livingroom and he said, "You know what I learned from this? I learned that you work hard and people come along and tear it all down."

errr no....a Lesson was... If something is Unsafe and wouldn't stand up to a sneeze.. it gets teared down and rebuilt
(sorry im a bit of a smartie pants at times)

and.. start small when starting to learn how to build things..
This guy definitely needs to hear what you really think.

He knows better...

I truly feel sorry for people with this attitude; life never gets any easier for them...

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