Still confused on what feed for the youngins, and adults


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Nor Cal
I want to mix my 7 week old chicks and 5 week old ducklings today with my year old adults. They will stay in sepreate coops until they are a little bigger, but I want them to start to get used to each other, and just see how they get along. But how do I feed the adults the layer feed, and the chicks the chick starter, if they are mixed together?? I need Help!! thank you
I have heard this also, but this used to be true. If the feed is medicated with amprolium, it is fine for ducks. I have had them on Purina Chick Starter since they were born and the have been doing great
. I have been adding brewers yeast to it for the added niacin to help the ducklings to have strong legs. Now I have switched them over to a feed form my local feed store, and it is for both the ducklings and chicks, and has the niacin added to it. It makes it a lot easier for me.
I just switched to Flock Raiser today!! It will feed babies, pullets, roosters...everyone. Just be sure to offer oyster shells for calcium to your hens when they begin to lay.
Ok, Thank you! The only issue is that I just bought 2 bags of Layena pellets (Because they were on sale) and a bag of chick starter! woops, Guess I wasnt thinking ahead. I am sotring it in a rubbermaid tub. Do you think it will be ok to feed to them all in a cople of months when they are laying??
If you only have laying hens in a few months, than they can all eat the pellets then. Sure. It should stay fresh if you don't open it. If you are going to have ones that don't lay yet, or a'll need to somehow feed the hens separate if you feed those pellets.

I wanted to stop my 13 and 9 week old chicks on the medicated starter, because they will be laying soon in just about two months (well, the older ones) and we did not want to eat medicated eggs!! So I just went ahead and stopped everyone. No sense in trying to keep all the food separate.

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