Still infertile eggs!!

What have you been doing to ensure fertile eggs? Have you had infertile eggs this whole time, or just since the weathers turned cold (if its cold where you are)?

I've struggled with fertility in my flock this time of the year in the past. The cold just seems to make roosters not feel very frisky. If this is something thats been going on for a while, something's up.

What breed(s) do you have? How many hens is your rooster with? How old are the hens and rooster?
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What have you been doing to ensure fertile eggs? Have you had infertile eggs this whole time, or just since the weathers turned cold (if its cold where you are)?

I've struggled with fertility in my flock this time of the year in the past. The cold just seems to make roosters not feel very frisky. If this is something thats been going on for a while, something's up.

What breed(s) do you have? How many hens is your rooster with? How old are the hens and rooster?

I have d wormed, taken care of lice and mites, making sure they have a decent diet, keeping them as happy as possible, ect. The only change is larger eggs. I've also given them probiotics and electrolytes. I've only had a rooster for 8 months so I can only say for 8 months of infertility. My rooster is a brown leghorn and my hens are cream legbars, english orpington, white leghorn, and mixed girls. 1 rooster to maybe 8-10 hens? I already had to lower the amount of hens due to being told I had too many for 1 roo. Rooster and hens are 1-2 years old

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