Stock Tanks???

OH!!! Now I get what you meant. That totally went over my head obviously. You meant to pull themselves out of the water. I must have been having issues.
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If you are going to let ducklings use the pool There Must Be a way for them to get out! Many people think their duckings drown when they actually got over chilled because they couldn't get out of the pool. Adults-Light weight breeds usually just jump in and out of the pool but the heavy breeds have a proplem and like a ramp or steps to help them in and out of the pool.
Actually ducks more often become exhausted and then drown rather than become over chilled.
I have a long trough like thing that catches the rainwater off of my coop and barn roofs that has straight sides. It is about 2 and a half feet deep so way too deep for goslings and ducklings etc to get out of, especially if it has been dry and the water is low. What I did to prevent drownings is to fashion a piece of hardware cloth over the short edge and bend it down into the bottom of the container. Now if any chickens or other fowl get in and cant get out they can climb up the mesh and get free. It has worked like a charm for 3 seasons so far! I am so happy not to have to fish out drowned bodies any more. Terri O

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