Stopped Laying


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2018
Newbie chick mom here-
I’ve had 12 chickens since March, three weeks ago my EE stop laying, assumed it was from lack of light? Last night she was sitting in a nesting box for quite a long time - no egg though. The really odd thing i noticed is that her eyes used to be brown , and now are red?!? I also noticed this morning she has lost quite a few feathers on her head.
Any thoughts?
It looks like she's molting. The white tubes showing are the new feathers growing out. She looks very similar to one of my EEs, and mine gets grumpy when she molts and hides in the nest box also. They stop laying so their body can focus on new feather growth, and it's decently painful for them with all the pin feathers coming out, so be careful picking her up. You should see lots of loose feathers in the coop. One of mine is a horrible molter and it looks like she explodes in the coop, is half naked for a couple days, then looks like a porcupine until the feathers come out.
It looks like she's molting. The white tubes showing are the new feathers growing out. She looks very similar to one of my EEs, and mine gets grumpy when she molts and hides in the nest box also. They stop laying so their body can focus on new feather growth, and it's decently painful for them with all the pin feathers coming out, so be careful picking her up. You should see lots of loose feathers in the coop. One of mine is a horrible molter and it looks like she explodes in the coop, is half naked for a couple days, then looks like a porcupine until the feathers come out.

Thank you! She has been the only one to stop laying, so I was freaking out.

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