Stories of your Chicken Names

I have a rooster named Crusty. His twin brother beat him up sooo badly that we thought we were gonna lose him. His head was so bloody and swollen; I cannot describe it. As he healed, his face turned into a big, crusty scab. So, crusty he was & "Crusty" he is.

His brother was given away at a local poultry gathering. We still have Crusty. He is such a gentleman...


Crusty & his bro, in better days.
I have 7 hens, 4 are silkies and three are Belgian Mille Fleurs, the red, black and white kind.
My oldest/first silkie is white and beautiful. She is named Gerty because she bosses everything else (including the dog) around. I have one buff silkie named Hilda, Gerty's sometimes best friend. Then there is my black silkie, Twinkle, who has one white feather at the beginning of her tail. The last silkie is a black with gold splash. Her name is Tazzle, but we call her Tazzie.
The oldest Mille Fleur, was, of course, named Millie! What else! Then I bought two little ones for her to have friends like her--which took a while to develop, but they are now big buds. The two little ones are nearly identical except one has more white on her tail. She is Margot. The other is Camille. Here's a link to some pictures. Hope they show up ok.
Only four of my chickens have names. There's the famous George and Greta, my Cornish X hens, and two of my white rocks, Fancy Pants and Big Attitude.

Greta has her name because ever since I can remember I always knew I'd have a big hen named Greta. Its such a perfect name for the bustle-y, fussy, matronly nature of hens.

George has her name because we thought she was a rooster due to her above average-sized comb and wattles. Her being a meat bird, I didn't really know what the meat roosters should look like, because I knew they wouldn't be long and lean with beautiful tails like a normal roo. Some pics of meat roos showed them to be almost as short and squat as she is, so I really wasn't sure until she popped out a beautiful brown, speckled egg.
Folks on here told me she looked like a hen, too.

Big Attitude's name is pretty self-explanatory.
When all the other chicks were growing in their white feathers, Big Attitude still had all of her yellow baby fluff, no tail, and she was twice the size of all the others. She bossed around all the other chicks, was too fast to be caught or held, and stomped around like a T-rex. She was over 3 weeks old before she started growing in her feathers, but continued to grow bigger than everyone else. Right now she is my biggest pullet and the same size as my biggest cockerel. She's definitely the queen.

Fancy Pants is one of my cockerels who's tail is very long and flowing, longer than any of the others. His comb and wattles are bigger than everyone else, his crow is the longest and loudest, and he has a lean, narrow look. Long, glossy neck feathers. Very showy, very cocky, very aggressive.
Our second batch of chickens we bought and two we recently bought are named after spices.

Pepper (Black Copper Maran)
Chili (New Hampshire)
Ginger (NH)
Cinnamon (RIR)
Cayenne (Buff Minorca)
Cumin (Buff Minorca)

We did have a flower named trio but we traded two for a female rabbit. All are White Plymouth

Rose (for her single rose-comb look; thus starting naming the other two after flowers)

Our first batch of chickens we got we named after virtues. They are all White Plymouth Rock as well:


Our other two are White Plymouth Rock:

AlaKing (named after the dish)
White Beauty (like Black Beauty)
Meet "Painted-head" a Barred Rock bantam hen. She is in the foreground. So named because when I brought her home from the feed store, she had a spot of red paint on top of her head from the hatchery. ( I'm not sure why) She is 14 months old now, doesn't look special but she is very special to me. One day we had to bring her into the house to doctor her foot. She lay there on the towel and made cooing sounds....a sweet little hen.
We have (chicken's names with stories behind them, we actually have six):

Daisy; because dad was nicknamed "daisyboy" by a relative

Henrietta; a real chicken name, and named after my friend's chook

Shirley; Named after my mother, by a confused 4yr old - - it was either Shirley or David...
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Daddy Cletis, I named because he is very mellow and sweet, always made me think of a colorful old man with an old country name like, Cletis. Lucy the rescue chicken (passed now) I actually named her Luchia (loo-chi-a) when I rescued her off the road after she fell off a slaughter truck. She had beautiful baby blue eyes, a little beat up and bruised but had something in her eyes that said she needed to be loved. Hazel I named because she made me think what witch hazel would look like if it was an animal, a bit frazzled. LOL..Sadie I named because she seem sultry and always struts like a show girl with deep dark eyes. Maryanne I named because she is a petite little white chicken with bright orange eyes, with spunk and reminded me of Maryanne from Petticoat Junction on TV. Pearl I named because she was as white as a pearl. Opal Lu Lu because her ears looked like big pearls with Lu Lu for an island twist (?)..Madelyn is a white girl with an attitude and just seemed to fit the name. Sassafrass, because the name just fit, a little sassy and brassy. She is daughter of Wilbert and Madelyn. Wilbert was my big white flying roo who was klutzy when young but then acted more like Jerry Lee Louis so he was nick name Jerry Lee . Honey, one of the Light Brahmas, because she is so sweet and still comes up and is always asking ..what.?? for real,she always comes up and it sounds like she is saying “what??” Dot Dot , one of the light Brahmas, had one single dot on the top of her head when she was a chick. Mini Moo is one of my little orange girls so it always made me she runs around like she is bigger than life, so I thought…cow..Mini Moo. Nelly, aka Nells is one of my orange girls and she just reminded me of the girl Nelly on little house on the prairie. Reba…ha..that face..the cheek puffs, the orange, the head puff and attitude…who else but Reba Mcentire.
Victoria..aka Vicky some how just acted like royalty so Queen Victoria came to mind. Sophie was proud and reminded me of Lynn Whitfield, who played in Sophie and the Moon Hanger. Blanche, well anyone who know the Golden Girls would not mistake her for any one but Blanche! Gertie 1 (passed) and Gertie 2 BB red Bantam. What else but a Gertrude would fit. Sootie, Jersey Giant, just looked like a little fluff ball that took a trip down a chimney with the little white diaper butt when she was a chick. Now Leon..she came to me via a friend who’s kids brought her home from school as a day old chick. For a long time I was convinced it was going to be a roo but she was not..But hey Leon is a cool name for a girl…Phoebe my gray girl that is suppose to be Sumatra, I rescued at my local flea market, some woman was going to buy her to eat….too beautiful for that, she is missing one toe. She rode on my lap all the way home, was very mistrusting but has eyes that look at you wanting to trust. So I thought of the older songs of Phoebe Snow and thought that, that name fit. It took a year before she really started trusting me, now she is a happy well adjusted girl. Foolzer because he hatched on April fools day and I figured what the heck…this chicken in going to fool me one way or another so I will just name him/her Foolzer. He is now a very active young roo. Yetta, BB red just because I like the name and it was Old English, but she really does seem like a Yetta girl should be, very prim and proper and thinks she has to be had fed separate from all the other chickens. Regis, BB Red just because if you have ever watched Regis and Kathy Lee on TV you would agree he is a Regis. Nigel because he made me think of the English actor David Niven, don’t ask me how I got Nigel from that?? But it works and fits him to a T. Now for Gunta and Adol…Well I was sure they were girls and named them Aida and Gytha, good proper Old English names. I even posted some pics when they were iddy biddy..but fooled me and now have matching bookend roos that I love to pieces!
Well you asked and I typed. I think that is everyone..LOL! But thanks for giving me the opportunity to brag on my yard crew.

edited because I keep saying was in stead of is..I still have all my clan unless it says passed..
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