Storing Fertilized eggs..??


8 Years
Sep 23, 2011
Crestview, FL
I received a call from a lady that wants us to collect all of our eggs for the next 7 days so she can come pick them up next week to put into her cabinet style incubator. What is the best way to store all these eggs until then? Right now I have them in a Coleman chest cooler out on our screened in porch but the temperature is ranging from 50 - 65 degrees inside the cooler. Help!
Your doing fine. Need to keep them around 50 deg. you can freeze a soda bottle and put in there with them to keep the temps lower. You also need to turn the eggs 4-5 times a day.
Your doing fine. Need to keep them around 50 deg. you can freeze a soda bottle and put in there with them to keep the temps lower. You also need to turn the eggs 4-5 times a day.

Really?? I need to turn them?? I need to charge more...
You might read this article. I think it gives pretty good information about storing eggs for incubation.

Texas A&M Incubation site

You should store them pointy side down to keep the air sac where it should be. Maybe store them in egg cartons in the ice chest? The article says you don't have to turn them the first week or so, but maybe put a block of some kind under one side of the ice chest, then move it a couple of times a day. That way you turn all of them at the same time. It does not have to be hard.
Its not that hard I keep mine in the hatching trays but egg cartons work just as well. Just so they dont sit to one side for too long so the air sacs dont stick to one side :)
I have very good luck storing mine and having a great hatch. I keep them where temps run about 50-55 degrees in a large styrofoam cooler to prevent temp fluctuation. I keep them in egg cartons that I rotate propping the sides a few times a day when I pass by. To keep my humidity above 80% (these keeps a large air cell from building too early) I put a jar of water beads in the cooler with a damp paper towel over the top. I use the water beads instead of water in case it would ever get bumped over - no mess.
Thank You so much for the information. I knew I would get the answer to my question about how long and how to store eggs prior to incubation. Yuo guys are great!!!

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