Stormstryder poultry in NC-salmon ameraucana-anyone have these?

dixie lover

In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 24, 2008
I need to find some eggs or a breeder closer to me than NC (I'm in se MO) Also need someone who will send eggs when my broodies get started setting. Please let me know ANY info you may have on this breed. Thank you, Wanda
Is Cackle Hatchery closer to you. It is in Lebanon, MO. I am driving from Tulsa to Cackle to pick up my chicks. It is only a 3 hr drive for me.
I am on their list to have 6 blues and 8 salmon ameraucana eggs shipped on March 31st. I do know that Kate just hatched some for Kelly (both from byc). I think there might be a few more people on byc that are also on the waiting list. I could update you when I actually get my eggs and have them in the bator if you'd like.
I ordered eggs from stormstryder spring of 07 in the Salmon Ameraucana variety. They shipped the eggs to me packed very nicely! I was well pleased to have received my eggs in such wonderful condition. My Salmon birds are beautiful!!!! Mostly the birds are white...about 90%. Some have what I call a "biscuit" coloring to them and some have a good bit of reddish color (salmon reddish) You can see one of the hens is more red with a little white. I just love them. They lay very large eggs too.

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That's probably right. They are working on the breeding, not yet accepted into the APA. They are the ONLY ones working on the breeding? I'm not interested in showing, just liked the looks of Lightning.
Dont these Salmon Amercuanas have feathered feet and light skinned feet?

Those pics are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes the Favs pass the feather legs down to their chicks but not all of them ONLY if they were crossed with clean legged breeds

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