Story behind your user name! (Post the reason you chose your name for BYC!)


6 Years
Aug 5, 2013
Mt. Pleasant, MS
My user name is Crazycomb. I chose this name because it is the name of my favorite chicken! Crazy Comb is a Buff Orpington and has a sideways, silly looking comb!
She is by far my favorite hen. She is sweet and gentle and is my first broody hen! Love, love, love her!
My introduction to chickens was when my neighbor's buff orp showed up under my bird feeder. It was instant love! Since then, all of their chickens (12) spend their days in my yard, then go home with the sunset. I don't have my own chickens, but in fact run a chicken day care, and have all the fun! I also take care of the Henwicks when the neighbors are on vacation.
I had always wanted to have chickens but never had a place where I could keep them.
Many years ago, laying in bed listening to a hurricane roar through - unable to sleep and with my mind running in circles - I suddenly found that I had 'named' my one-day chickens.
When I was finally in a place where I could build a coop, I needed to do some research first... so Canesisters got me into BYC.
The first 6 were Hurri Cane, Sola Cane, Nova Cane, Candy Cane, Raisin Cane and Citizen Cane. Then came Ineeda Cane & Ameri Cane. Followed later by Jamai Cane & Mexi Cane. And the latest are Benzo Cane and Lido Cane. Next spring ... who knows what 'Canes' will come along. (o:
Well my friends think I'm part Amish because I do a lot of things old school and by hand and I used to follow the Grateful Dead so I also have the nickname of Hippie from some of my friends and then they all got together one day at a party and started calling me Amishhippie!
Mine is top knot because I got a ''free'' exotic chick with my order. He turned out to be a golden polish with a top knot on his head. So I am now top knot. Crazy
Mine is just an old password from an long ago abandoned email account. It wasn't even one I chose - it was computer generated. Lots of people think I'm a Boston Redsox fan but I'm really not!
Mine is because chicken math got me.. I can't even list all my chickens on my siggy :( we now have 2Turkey's.. for free... We have 20+ that need to be butchered and we just don't have time ....WHAT DID I DO! I have a Leghorn with chicks! They are not supposed to go broody. I hatched eggs at the fair, why did I do that? I don't even have time to post pictures of our fair chicks and chickens.why do I have so many chickens?

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