Story behind your user name! (Post the reason you chose your name for BYC!)


6 Years
Aug 5, 2013
Mt. Pleasant, MS
My user name is Crazycomb. I chose this name because it is the name of my favorite chicken! Crazy Comb is a Buff Orpington and has a sideways, silly looking comb!
She is by far my favorite hen. She is sweet and gentle and is my first broody hen! Love, love, love her!
Mine is top knot because I got a ''free'' exotic chick with my order. He turned out to be a golden polish with a top knot on his head. So I am now top knot. Crazy
Mine is just an old password from an long ago abandoned email account. It wasn't even one I chose - it was computer generated. Lots of people think I'm a Boston Redsox fan but I'm really not!
Mine is because chicken math got me.. I can't even list all my chickens on my siggy :( we now have 2Turkey's.. for free... We have 20+ that need to be butchered and we just don't have time ....WHAT DID I DO! I have a Leghorn with chicks! They are not supposed to go broody. I hatched eggs at the fair, why did I do that? I don't even have time to post pictures of our fair chicks and chickens.why do I have so many chickens?
My original Screen name was Silverfox0786

the story was behind that is im known as Silverfox and Silverfox786 was always gone but adding the leading Zero (0) was always available

but then just for this forum as all other forums I am still silverfox0786 I changed it to

Habib's Hens

and that is because that's what I call my homestead

Habib is my eldest sons name and really everything I own belongs to him so it was fitting to name after him
My username is based on our first ever chicken, Peep. He was a sweet, loyal RIR rooster. Having Peep is what got me into having chickens, and I thought it would only be right to have his name be part of my username in remembrance of him. And of course, he was a chicken, so I went with ChickenPeep.
RIP, my sweet Peeper boy. :)
i chose my name because i have all kinds of shades of blue in chickens and eggs. I have blue marans....I hope to create blue wheaten marans.....i have blue/blue wheaten ameraucanas....and thus...."shades of blue".

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