Story of a boy and his chickens.

Now up to 5 in 6 days with one found 3 days in a row. Still haven't found more then one in a day so far. They have all been solid, and every one has ended up in a nest box so far. I couldn't have done it without lots of prep and knowledge that I gained from places such as BYC! Thanks all. On a side note I noticed the last egg was more rough then the others. Instead of being smooth it had a sand paper feel to it. Not concerned at all, just an interesting observation.


I make observations also on the differences, and a lot times know who laid which egg, which is helpful when I set some in the incubator for hatching, or give some to a broody hen.

I like your wood floor.
I make observations also on the differences, and a lot times know who laid which egg, which is helpful when I set some in the incubator for hatching, or give some to a broody hen.  

I like your wood floor.

Thanks but that's my wood table hehe. My floors are bamboo!

During this time you will most likely have some type of problems with some eggs, so, always be prepared. Here is a page for some information on some problems you might encounter. :)

Thanks I am anticipating some issues but, so far so good. If the eggs are fertilized is there a difference on how I should be storing them. I have them out and have not had to wash any as they have all been clean so they have their bloom. But, chances are they are fertilized so I wasn't sure if they wouldn't last as long like this.
Today I got 3 eggs! The laying is ramping up. Today the last egg I gathered had the white speckles which I believe indicates excess calcium? It was not rough like the one mentioned yesterday which was not white specked but it wasn't smooth either. I can't believe there can be excess calcium when I am feeding Purina Flock Raiser 20% protein and free choice oyster shell. How is this causing excess calcium when most people feed and recommend feeding layer feed plus free choice oyster shell?


That's probably excess bloom or incomplete pigment in the 'spray booth'.
Excess calcium is not necessarily because they eat too much calcium, but how their body processes it.
First month or so you may see some funky eggs, they are still tuning up the old egg laying system.
Even after that there can be irregularities that are 'normal'.
There can be many 'glitches' in egg appearance...they sort them out for selling grocery eggs, so you're not used to seeing them.
That's probably excess bloom or incomplete pigment in the 'spray booth'.
Excess calcium is not necessarily because they eat too much calcium, but how their body processes it.
First month or so you may see some funky eggs, they are still tuning up the old egg laying system.
Even after that there can be irregularities that are 'normal'.
There can be many 'glitches' in egg appearance...they sort them out for selling grocery eggs, so you're not used to seeing them.

Thanks I hope your right. I'm not super worried either way. I am more intrigued.
On a side note I wish everyone could have witnessed the hilarious cockerel fail I got to see today. My pullets were sitting on the back porch right on the edge this evening when my cockerel Elvis decided to mount one. Well idk about others males, but mine always slide off head first to the front of the hen when they are done. Well I knew what was about to happen but I died laughing when all I see is Elvis slide off this pullet, head first, off the deck into a bush. You had to be there but it was extra funny cause I knew it was coming and from where I was standing you couldn't see where he landed, just that he disappeared head first off the deck into a bush. Need to catch stuff like this on video.

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