"Strange" Chicken behavior


9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
Chico, California
My wife and I were watching one of our girls laying on the patio on her side, wing out stretched. She laid there for a minute or so, then got up, and changed sides. It's in the 80's outside. I figured she was just sunning herself. My wife made me go check on her. She came trotting up, greeted me, pecked at me, etc. Now my DW is worried something is wrong with our chicken, like maybe she is "egg bound" and trying to self-medicate. DW knows just enough about our chooks to worry. Can y'all help me out and post that our chicken was just sunning herself? DW doesn't believe me
If she is eating and drinking ok and all else seems normal then I think it's all ok. From watching my two hens they like to do things like that, must be their way of relaxing.
Have you ever seen a chicken take a dust bath? Sorta sounds like she was mimicking that behavior.

I'm sure she's fine!
She is sunning herself. It's a common practice in birds of all species. My pigeons do this on top of their loft all of the time. Wild birds also exhibit similar behavior.

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