Strange!!! Did my rooster lay this egg?

This tops high on my list of strangest things I've ever seen... I came upon what I thought was a deflated water balloon on my back deck...and no idea where it came from... Nope, it has a yoke inside! My hens are all in the coop! The only chicken loose is the rooster! Is Zorro half Zoey? :idunno
@bren7 . Something I've seen and experienced: Don't EVER say ANYTHING about roosters laying eggs around people who know chickens. They'll always attack you like hens attacking a broken egg. It isn't pretty but messy. I've done plenty of study around, and on rare occasions, this occurs. (Even my Mom who studies people has known of actual men who was the same thing.) To all you attackers, do some DEEP research! On ALL creatures and see for yourselves. IT DOES HAPPEN! As far as with this rooster, as other people were asking, is there a possibility that your hens layed this and you never discovered it until now? Is there a possibility that this was layed by your hens, somebody else found it, and for whatever reason, hung it there? Here's a test for ya: Place your roo in a coop by himself. Leave him there for a month (or until he lays an egg). If after a month you see no egg, then I'll say that there is something else going on. :)
my chickens have layed eggs like this before, it generally means that something is not quite right in there diet, whether it may be a protein deficiency, not enough calcium or a lack of shell grit so that they are unable to form a shell in the process of creating the egg. by the looks of that egg in the photo it is not very new, when you first find these eggs they are very large and full, slowly over a matter of days/weeks the moister seeps out generally leaving just the yolk. my guess is that at one point when you have let your chickens out they played this and maybe your cat or a wild animal has bought it to your deck.

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