Strange double yoker!


13 Years
Aug 12, 2009
BuCo, KS
My Coop
My Coop
So my girls have been laying a couple of months now and have become very consistent - even to the point that all the eggs have been way too normal - no multiple yokers, soft-shelled eggs, weird shapes - just normally shaped and sized eggs day after day. So I was pleased to finally get one a little out of the ordinary. When I picked up this egg, it was obviously bigger than usual, and I guessed it was probably a double yoker:

And it was - sort of. Instead of two distinct yolks, it was like there had been two but they kind of merged together, forming one big yolk, but with a clear line dividing the original two yolks. Anyway, I've never seen one quite like it before so thought I'd share.
i have RIR's, thay have been laying since thanksgiving, not one weird, double yoker, funny colour, strange shape or size. Just consitent egg shaped golden brown eggs.

Looks like it could almost have been a triple yoker it she had held on for another hour or so!
I have a RIR that has been laying large eggs since day one back on Nov. 30, 2009. She laid an Extra Jumbo that I am going to video while cracking it, probably tonight. My Barred Plymouth Rock laid one double yolker early on, but none since.
I have a Black Star that lays double yolkers every day. These eggs are almost twice the size of the other eggs. I don't know how she does it, but one egg is a meal in its self

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