Strange eggs


5 Years
Sep 3, 2015
i have a Barnvelder hen, about a 17 months old. From the time she began laying her eggs were dark brown. Over the past couple of months her eggs are a pinkish rose color with white dots. Today her egg was the same color but with larger splotches of white. All of the hens are eating the same feed, have fresh water provided daily, and one treat per dat that is usually cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, or cantaloupe. None of the other hens, who also lay colored eggs, have any issues. Any ideas?
i have a Barnvelder hen, about a 17 months old. From the time she began laying her eggs were dark brown. Over the past couple of months her eggs are a pinkish rose color with white dots. Today her egg was the same color but with larger splotches of white. All of the hens are eating the same feed, have fresh water provided daily, and one treat per dat that is usually cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, or cantaloupe. None of the other hens, who also lay colored eggs, have any issues. Any ideas?
Please post pics of eggs so we can determine if it's a calcium issue or something else.
Some dark layers run 'low on ink' later in the season and eggs will become lighter.
She also could be ramping down egg production prior to molting,
you can get some funky eggs around molting time.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
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