About a month ago, I purchased some feed from a breeder who buys in bulk from the mill. Chicks tarter.medicated for 1/2 of feed store prices. I really don't know the nutritional analysis.
What I have noticed in the past week or more, is that some of the chicks are developing a frizzled feather look even though none are frizzled. There are several breeds in this brooder (Brahma, Cochin, Orpington, NN, Icelandic) so it is not just a certain breed.
I will ask the breeder for an analysis. I asked him before and he said he didn't know. I honestly don't want to offend him since he is only trying to help me.
I had, at one, time some ducks with angel wing. I read that was caused by too much protein during the initial feather growth period causing the wing feathers to grow too fast.
Can this be a similar situation? Someone must know or at least have some idea.
The chicks in this brooder are between 3 and 4 weeks and seemingly healthy and eating well.
What I have noticed in the past week or more, is that some of the chicks are developing a frizzled feather look even though none are frizzled. There are several breeds in this brooder (Brahma, Cochin, Orpington, NN, Icelandic) so it is not just a certain breed.
I will ask the breeder for an analysis. I asked him before and he said he didn't know. I honestly don't want to offend him since he is only trying to help me.
I had, at one, time some ducks with angel wing. I read that was caused by too much protein during the initial feather growth period causing the wing feathers to grow too fast.
Can this be a similar situation? Someone must know or at least have some idea.
The chicks in this brooder are between 3 and 4 weeks and seemingly healthy and eating well.