Strange issues with Polish...


8 Years
May 14, 2011
Smoky Mountains
Over the last couple weeks, we've had 2 Polish with weird issues. The first, around 12 weeks old, I found standing numerous times during the day in laying boxes, while I was collecting eggs. Finally, towards late afternoon, I pulled it out of a laying box and set it outside where the rest of the flock was free ranging. It walked a few steps, and it's head drooped down to the ground. It would stand, but it acted like it just couldn't lift its head for more than a second. I took it inside and gave it its own food and water, and the next morning, it was completely fine.

The other one, maybe around 8 weeks old, I found standing in the waterer in the morning. Different coop, with no access to the other chickens. I brought it inside and it laid on its side for 5 hours. Again, gave it its own water and food, and the next day it was fine. This thing was doing the death literally could do nothing but lay on its side with its legs out.

This was not during the heat wave. Highs during both events were in the low 80's, lows in the mid 60's. I'm wondering if they were poisoned by something, but we've had chickens of all ages free ranging in this property for over a year, and never had this problem before. Plus, the second one has never free ranged prior to this.

Any ideas what could be going on? Both are fine at this point.
Just found your post while looking for answers to my Black polish problems, she is 6 months old and for a week now I thought she has narcolepsy she is also very vocal , if you have found any info could you please let me know. She is my baby and It would kill me if anything happened to her.
Thank you
I'm worried it may be Marek's but paralysis is in some other diseases too so I'm not totally sure. Hope everyone's chicks keep okay.

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