Strange object inside egg


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
North Yorkshire, England

My Orpington bantam laid this egg, which we found later the same day. It had been thrown out of the nest and smashed open (as shown in the picture). The object inside the egg didn't look like a part-formed chick - it didn't look like anything I've ever seen before! Does anyone have any idea what it might be?
Well, if its not a partially incubated egg, then the "gook" is probably something from inside the chicken's reproductive tract. Maybe something along the lines of a polyp or fibroid tumor that it shed from the reproductive plumbing?
I think some alien planted that in your coop with intentions of hatching alien monsters that would take over the earth. I'm glad your chickens threw it out and saved the world!
As they say "chicken's knows best" when to give it the oust! Looks like she/they new it was not a "good" egg! If you know which one laid it, I'd keep an eye on her. Good Luck!

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