Strangulation in tongue mimics Wet Fowl Pox. (An important lesson learned)

Thank you. I'm glad it is informative. It wasnt a fun experience, so I'm hoping that this thread will help prevent it from happening to anyone else. I never would have known that such a tiny string could do so much damage to a chickens mouth if this hadnt happened though.
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Great post! Thank you for giving us that information. I would have never of thought that a little piece of string could cause that much damage.
For now we are helping her. Her mouth is still very sore. She just lost her tongue yesterday, so the sore on what's left of her tongue needs to heal. When it does she will have to learn to adapt to eating moistened feed on her own. The problem is that she doesn't have her tongue to pull food back anymore. We will have to try and reach her to tip her head back when she gets food in her mouth, so that she can swallow it. If she can't learn to eat on her own, we will continue to tube feed her like we have been. :)
I had a cat growing up that ate string and had to have surgery...I guess maybe little Sunni thought it was a delicious worm!!! Silly hen...Glad she is going to be okay and thanks for sharing your ordeal!!!
Sunni has been doing great. She still can't eat anything on her own, but she seems happier now that her mouth isn't so sore. Yesterday she tried to eat a moth, and the poor thing was in her mouth half alive for who knows how long before I found it. She didn't even know it was still in there. :lol:
Sunni has been doing great. She still can't eat anything on her own, but she seems happier now that her mouth isn't so sore. Yesterday she tried to eat a moth, and the poor thing was in her mouth half alive for who knows how long before I found it. She didn't even know it was still in there.
I wonder if her tongue could grow back? I will pray for her. You are sweet to take such good care of her.

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